Ryan Stibbs - Home

Ryan Stibbs delivers a catchy indie folk song titled “Home”. Vocally soft falsettos are sang over a gentle acoustics. Meanwhile lyrically Ryan contemplates his place in a world of fleeting moments.

Passing moments can feel paralyzing with the future always happening to a stranger. “Home” is the middle ground of unknowing. Lost searching endlessly towards the future and the past, but never the present.

“The only place that felt like home. Is overgrown.”

For some lost souls, it’s harder to recognize home until it’s gone. Ryan reminisces on his childhood. When you could accept the universe for what is before the questions of wondering more. The joys and pains of life’s endless pursuit onward regardless you’re readiness for change.

“The younger me has already died a couple times. The younger me has already lived a couple lives.”

To recollect on one’s childhood is to peel back time into the past. The version you remember of yourself was not the full you realized today. However despite the younger version gone with time, that version of us forever lives on in us with the question of ‘what could be?’

When we are young we can imagine endless potential branches twisting from the tree of life. As we age we often see less and less branches. The pessimistic tragedy of aging. In times of turmoil, even the present can feel a bittersweet taste of ‘what could of been’.

This duality is the sentiment of “Home” by Ryan Stibbs in his expressive two minute song.


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